تداول بذكاء مع SMRT Algo: الحل النهائي للتداول عزّز نجاح تداولك في 2025: 7 عادات يجب على كل متداول تبنيها مع FBS وسيط الفوركس قم بأتمتة تداولك مع Telegram Signal Copier: مزامنة الإشارات في الوقت الفعلي واتخاذ قرارات أكثر ذكاءً ألقوقراط AI: أداء تحولي في ديسمبر 2024 عرض Tickmill: حول لوتات التداول إلى مكافآت نقدية افتح إمكاناتك الكاملة في التداول مع أدوات التداول المحترفة من ألفاري - ارتقِ بتجربة تداولك مصنع روبوتات الفوركس: الأسرع والأكثر موثوقية لإكسبرتات الفوركس "مراجعة عام 2024 لفريق فاليري تريدينغ: الإنجازات والابتكارات مراجعة أكاديمية روبوت الفوركس: ثورة في التداول الآلي باستخدام مولد روبوت إكسبرت تداول الفوركس مراجعة عام 2024 لفريق Algocrat AI: نمو استثنائي ومعالم في التداول الخوارزمي بالعملات الرقمية لا تفوت فرصة تداول مرة أخرى: VPS موثوق بتوافر 99.99% من VPS Forex Trader مراجعة Telegram Copier: تحويل التداول الآلي للفوركس انضم إلى مسابقات XM Broker وفوز بجوائز كبيرة كل شهر aVPS فوركس عالي الأداء للمتداولين | تنفيذ سريع وضمان تشغيل 100% انضم إلى تيكميل واحصل على إكسبيرت تداول مجاني بقيمة 250 دولارًا! عزز استراتيجية تداول الفوركس الخاصة بك اليوم تداول بذكاء هذا الموسم مع خصم 30% على خطط VPS من FXVM كيف تتجنب الإفراط في التداول وتصبح متداولًا أكثر ذكاءً إكسبرت الفوركس مستثمر الذهب النسخة 1.96: ميزات جديدة، إصلاحات للأخطاء، وعرض خاص بمناسبة العطلات
Forex RobinVOL
377 إجمالي الأصوات.

RobinVOL هو روبوت فوركس مؤتمت بالكامل، تم تطويره بواسطة RobinTradingHub ويتم إجراؤه عبر خدمة OpenSistemas وإطار بيئة إدارة التطوير الذي يتضمن برنامج osBrain متعدد الوكلاء لبيئة التداول.

فكرة التداول

Forex RobinVOL يتداول اختراقات التقلب وتراجعاتها. إنها ليست أداة سكالبينج وتفتح صفقات إضافية عند مطابقة شروط الدخول الأولى، حتى عدد محدد مسبقًا من الصفقات وهو 8 بشكل افتراضي، ويتم التداول فقط عند فتح الشريط.



الحسابات حقيقية وتجريبية غير مالإعداداتة على جهاز واحد صالحة لمدة عام واحد.

التوافق مع NFA

نعم (مع تمكين إعداد FIFO).

وسيط / فوركس VPS

متوافق مع أي Broker للحصول على أفضل ربمباشرة واستقرار، نوصي باستخدام Tickmill أو Alpari أو [prod -link][104] وسطاء الفوركس مع TradingFX VPS.

دليل المستخدم/الدعم

يتم تضمين دليل مستخدم مفصل للمبتدئين ويتوفر دعم احترافي للعملاء على مدار الساعة طوال أيام الأسبوع.

سياسة الاسترجاع

ضمان استرداد الأموال خلال 60 يومًا من قبل البائع.

أزواج العملات المدعومة


الإطار الزمني لرسم بياني MetaTrader

M1, non-standard timeframes are supported.

أداء التداول المباشر

تم التحقق من بيانات نتائج الأداء المباشر من MyfxBook وFxBlue:

مال حقيقي
بدأ في
Sep 09, 2013
الرافعة المالية
الرصيد الابتدائي
إجمالي الربح
MyFxBook (مضيف الاختبار)

ملخص الاختبار المباشر

بدأ في
Sep 09, 2013
الرافعة المالية للحساب
عامل الربح
إجمالي الربح
الربح المطلق
الربح الشهري
الربح اليومي
إجمالي النقاط
إجمالي الصفقات
مبلغ الربح
(%) الصفقات الرابحة
مال حقيقي

بدأ في
Apr 27, 2015
الرافعة المالية
الرصيد الابتدائي
إجمالي الربح
MyFxBook (مضيف الاختبار)

ملخص الاختبار المباشر

بدأ في
Apr 27, 2015
الرافعة المالية للحساب
عامل الربح
إجمالي الربح
الربح المطلق
الربح الشهري
الربح اليومي
إجمالي النقاط
إجمالي الصفقات
مبلغ الربح
(%) الصفقات الرابحة

اختبارات الـBacktests

عرض اختبار الأداء الاستراتيجي الكامل

Backtests Settings

EURUSD (Euro vs US Dollar)
15 Minutes (M15) 2000.01.03 00:00 - 2000.12.29 23:44 (2000.01.01 - 2000.12.31)
Open prices only (only for Expert Advisors that explicitly control bar opening)
s1="----==== TRADE DEFINITION ====----"; Magic_Number=10101; TradeComment="Robin VOL"; fifo=false; s2="----==== POSITION SIZING ====----"; s21="Set Fixed Lots=0 to enable risk Percent (%risk)"; FixedLots=0; s22="Percent of the capital to risk on each trade"; riskPercent=2; s23="Adjust the position to the recent range of the market"; atrAdjustedMM=false; s24="Keep the same size on all trades of the same basket"; KeepTradeSizeInBasket=true; s25="Use minimum allowed lots by the [link][/forex-broker.html][broker][df] if calculated lotsize is below this minimum (risky)"; UseMinLotIfUnderMinimum=true; s26="Maximum concurrent trades allowed on a basket"; TradesMax=8; s3="----==== CAPITAL PRESERVATION ====----"; s31="Ignore the account balance and limit the capital used to the specified here"; useInitialBalance=false; initialBalance=0; s32="Close all opened trades before friday closing of the market"; avoidTradesOverWeekend=false; s33="Set a secure stop loss and take profit on every trade at a constant distance from the price"; useBracketSLTP=true; bracketSLTPatr=1.1; s333="Use Breakeven"; useBreakeven=true; s34="Friday closing date and time of the market."; fridayClosingDay=5; fridayClosingHour=21; s4="----==== TRADING STRATEGY ====----"; strat_1="--- Strategy 1 ---"; Strat_1=true; FastVol=3; SlowVol=60; VolRatio=3; strat_2="--- Strategy 2 ---"; Strat_2=true; osc1Period=8; osc2Period=9; ma_period=65; separation=0.15; maxSeparation=0.75; S2addcomment="(s2)"; exit_str="--- Exit strategy ---"; s44="Take Profit and Stop Loss as a percentage of the recent range"; TP=0.31; SL=0.18; s45="Number of bars to calculate the recent range"; s46="Activate aditional exit conditions after this number of bars"; useTimedExit=false; timedExitBarsTP=140; timedExitFactor=0.4; s5="----==== MARKET CONDITIONS ====----"; s51="Maximal acceptable slippage"; Slippage=3; s52="Spread Filter - in pips"; useSpreadFilter=false; maxSpreadInPips=0; s6="----==== BELLS AND WHISTLES ====----"; showInfo=true; saveScreenshots=false; s7="----==== ANALYSIS AND ADVANCED HACKING ====----"; s72="--- S2 control ---"; useOldS2=false; onlyHighProbabilityS2=false; tightRiskControlS2=true; s73="--- Time Filter ---"; useS2TimeFilter=false; S2TimeFilterStartHour=0; S2TimeFilterEndHour=6; s71="--- Date filters ---"; disableNFP=false; onlyNFP=false; disableSunday=false; disableMonday=false; disableTuesday=false; disableWednesday=false; disableThursday=false; disableFriday=false; disableSaturday=false; onlyMonth=0; s81="--- Functional testing ---"; testid=-1;
Bars in test
Ticks modelled
Modelling quality
Initial Deposit

Backtests Results

Total net profit
Gross profit
Gross loss
Profit factor
Expected payoff
Absolute Bal DD
Maximal Bal DD
23295.67 (12.97%)
Relative Bal DD
12.97% (23295.67)
Total Trades
Short positions (won %)
247 (52.63%)
Long positions (won %)
207 (46.38%)
Profit trades (% of total)
226 (49.78%)
Loss trades (% of total)
228 (50.22%)
Largest Profit trade
Largest Loss trade
Average Profit trade
Average Loss trade
Maximum consecutive wins (profit in money)
18 (15104.85)
Maximum consecutive losses (loss in money)
11 (-6503.90)
Maximal consecutive profit (count of wins)
15104.85 (18)
Maximal consecutive loss (count of losses)
-7846.35 (7)
Avarage consecutive wins
Avarage consecutive losses
عرض اختبار الأداء الاستراتيجي الكامل

Backtests Settings

EURUSD (Euro vs US Dollar)
15 Minutes (M15) 2001.01.01 00:00 - 2001.12.28 23:59 (2001.01.01 - 2001.12.31)
Open prices only (only for Expert Advisors that explicitly control bar opening)
s1="----==== TRADE DEFINITION ====----"; Magic_Number=10101; TradeComment="Robin VOL"; fifo=false; s2="----==== POSITION SIZING ====----"; s21="Set Fixed Lots=0 to enable risk Percent (%risk)"; FixedLots=0; s22="Percent of the capital to risk on each trade"; riskPercent=2; s23="Adjust the position to the recent range of the market"; atrAdjustedMM=false; s24="Keep the same size on all trades of the same basket"; KeepTradeSizeInBasket=true; s25="Use minimum allowed lots by the [link][/forex-broker.html][broker][df] if calculated lotsize is below this minimum (risky)"; UseMinLotIfUnderMinimum=true; s26="Maximum concurrent trades allowed on a basket"; TradesMax=8; s3="----==== CAPITAL PRESERVATION ====----"; s31="Ignore the account balance and limit the capital used to the specified here"; useInitialBalance=false; initialBalance=0; s32="Close all opened trades before friday closing of the market"; avoidTradesOverWeekend=false; s33="Set a secure stop loss and take profit on every trade at a constant distance from the price"; useBracketSLTP=true; bracketSLTPatr=1.1; s333="Use Breakeven"; useBreakeven=true; s34="Friday closing date and time of the market."; fridayClosingDay=5; fridayClosingHour=21; s4="----==== TRADING STRATEGY ====----"; strat_1="--- Strategy 1 ---"; Strat_1=true; FastVol=3; SlowVol=60; VolRatio=3; strat_2="--- Strategy 2 ---"; Strat_2=true; osc1Period=8; osc2Period=9; ma_period=65; separation=0.15; maxSeparation=0.75; S2addcomment="(s2)"; exit_str="--- Exit strategy ---"; s44="Take Profit and Stop Loss as a percentage of the recent range"; TP=0.31; SL=0.18; s45="Number of bars to calculate the recent range"; s46="Activate aditional exit conditions after this number of bars"; useTimedExit=false; timedExitBarsTP=140; timedExitFactor=0.4; s5="----==== MARKET CONDITIONS ====----"; s51="Maximal acceptable slippage"; Slippage=3; s52="Spread Filter - in pips"; useSpreadFilter=false; maxSpreadInPips=0; s6="----==== BELLS AND WHISTLES ====----"; showInfo=true; saveScreenshots=false; s7="----==== ANALYSIS AND ADVANCED HACKING ====----"; s72="--- S2 control ---"; useOldS2=false; onlyHighProbabilityS2=false; tightRiskControlS2=true; s73="--- Time Filter ---"; useS2TimeFilter=false; S2TimeFilterStartHour=0; S2TimeFilterEndHour=6; s71="--- Date filters ---"; disableNFP=false; onlyNFP=false; disableSunday=false; disableMonday=false; disableTuesday=false; disableWednesday=false; disableThursday=false; disableFriday=false; disableSaturday=false; onlyMonth=0; s81="--- Functional testing ---"; testid=-1;
Bars in test
Ticks modelled
Modelling quality
Initial Deposit

Backtests Results

Total net profit
Gross profit
Gross loss
Profit factor
Expected payoff
Absolute Bal DD
Maximal Bal DD
14341.02 (10.05%)
Relative Bal DD
10.73% (11346.34)
Total Trades
Short positions (won %)
202 (50.00%)
Long positions (won %)
198 (43.94%)
Profit trades (% of total)
188 (47.00%)
Loss trades (% of total)
212 (53.00%)
Largest Profit trade
Largest Loss trade
Average Profit trade
Average Loss trade
Maximum consecutive wins (profit in money)
8 (8771.47)
Maximum consecutive losses (loss in money)
12 (-5604.20)
Maximal consecutive profit (count of wins)
8771.47 (8)
Maximal consecutive loss (count of losses)
-9297.19 (5)
Avarage consecutive wins
Avarage consecutive losses
عرض اختبار الأداء الاستراتيجي الكامل

Backtests Settings

EURUSD (Euro vs US Dollar)
15 Minutes (M15) 2002.01.01 00:00 - 2002.12.30 23:59 (2002.01.01 - 2002.12.31)
Open prices only (only for Expert Advisors that explicitly control bar opening)
s1="----==== TRADE DEFINITION ====----"; Magic_Number=10101; TradeComment="Robin VOL"; fifo=false; s2="----==== POSITION SIZING ====----"; s21="Set Fixed Lots=0 to enable risk Percent (%risk)"; FixedLots=0; s22="Percent of the capital to risk on each trade"; riskPercent=2; s23="Adjust the position to the recent range of the market"; atrAdjustedMM=false; s24="Keep the same size on all trades of the same basket"; KeepTradeSizeInBasket=true; s25="Use minimum allowed lots by the [link][/forex-broker.html][broker][df] if calculated lotsize is below this minimum (risky)"; UseMinLotIfUnderMinimum=true; s26="Maximum concurrent trades allowed on a basket"; TradesMax=8; s3="----==== CAPITAL PRESERVATION ====----"; s31="Ignore the account balance and limit the capital used to the specified here"; useInitialBalance=false; initialBalance=0; s32="Close all opened trades before friday closing of the market"; avoidTradesOverWeekend=false; s33="Set a secure stop loss and take profit on every trade at a constant distance from the price"; useBracketSLTP=true; bracketSLTPatr=1.1; s333="Use Breakeven"; useBreakeven=true; s34="Friday closing date and time of the market."; fridayClosingDay=5; fridayClosingHour=21; s4="----==== TRADING STRATEGY ====----"; strat_1="--- Strategy 1 ---"; Strat_1=true; FastVol=3; SlowVol=60; VolRatio=3; strat_2="--- Strategy 2 ---"; Strat_2=true; osc1Period=8; osc2Period=9; ma_period=65; separation=0.15; maxSeparation=0.75; S2addcomment="(s2)"; exit_str="--- Exit strategy ---"; s44="Take Profit and Stop Loss as a percentage of the recent range"; TP=0.31; SL=0.18; s45="Number of bars to calculate the recent range"; s46="Activate aditional exit conditions after this number of bars"; useTimedExit=false; timedExitBarsTP=140; timedExitFactor=0.4; s5="----==== MARKET CONDITIONS ====----"; s51="Maximal acceptable slippage"; Slippage=3; s52="Spread Filter - in pips"; useSpreadFilter=false; maxSpreadInPips=0; s6="----==== BELLS AND WHISTLES ====----"; showInfo=true; saveScreenshots=false; s7="----==== ANALYSIS AND ADVANCED HACKING ====----"; s72="--- S2 control ---"; useOldS2=false; onlyHighProbabilityS2=false; tightRiskControlS2=true; s73="--- Time Filter ---"; useS2TimeFilter=false; S2TimeFilterStartHour=0; S2TimeFilterEndHour=6; s71="--- Date filters ---"; disableNFP=false; onlyNFP=false; disableSunday=false; disableMonday=false; disableTuesday=false; disableWednesday=false; disableThursday=false; disableFriday=false; disableSaturday=false; onlyMonth=0; s81="--- Functional testing ---"; testid=-1;
Bars in test
Ticks modelled
Modelling quality
Initial Deposit

Backtests Results

Total net profit
Gross profit
Gross loss
Profit factor
Expected payoff
Absolute Bal DD
Maximal Bal DD
10189.82 (8.97%)
Relative Bal DD
8.97% (10189.82)
Total Trades
Short positions (won %)
115 (46.09%)
Long positions (won %)
177 (50.85%)
Profit trades (% of total)
143 (48.97%)
Loss trades (% of total)
149 (51.03%)
Largest Profit trade
Largest Loss trade
Average Profit trade
Average Loss trade
Maximum consecutive wins (profit in money)
11 (8165.91)
Maximum consecutive losses (loss in money)
19 (-5726.65)
Maximal consecutive profit (count of wins)
8165.91 (11)
Maximal consecutive loss (count of losses)
-6405.78 (10)
Avarage consecutive wins
Avarage consecutive losses
عرض اختبار الأداء الاستراتيجي الكامل

Backtests Settings

EURUSD (Euro vs US Dollar)
15 Minutes (M15) 2003.01.01 05:45 - 2003.12.30 23:59 (2003.01.01 - 2003.12.31)
Open prices only (only for Expert Advisors that explicitly control bar opening)
s1="----==== TRADE DEFINITION ====----"; Magic_Number=10101; TradeComment="Robin VOL"; fifo=false; s2="----==== POSITION SIZING ====----"; s21="Set Fixed Lots=0 to enable risk Percent (%risk)"; FixedLots=0; s22="Percent of the capital to risk on each trade"; riskPercent=2; s23="Adjust the position to the recent range of the market"; atrAdjustedMM=false; s24="Keep the same size on all trades of the same basket"; KeepTradeSizeInBasket=true; s25="Use minimum allowed lots by the [link][/forex-broker.html][broker][df] if calculated lotsize is below this minimum (risky)"; UseMinLotIfUnderMinimum=true; s26="Maximum concurrent trades allowed on a basket"; TradesMax=8; s3="----==== CAPITAL PRESERVATION ====----"; s31="Ignore the account balance and limit the capital used to the specified here"; useInitialBalance=false; initialBalance=0; s32="Close all opened trades before friday closing of the market"; avoidTradesOverWeekend=false; s33="Set a secure stop loss and take profit on every trade at a constant distance from the price"; useBracketSLTP=true; bracketSLTPatr=1.1; s333="Use Breakeven"; useBreakeven=true; s34="Friday closing date and time of the market."; fridayClosingDay=5; fridayClosingHour=21; s4="----==== TRADING STRATEGY ====----"; strat_1="--- Strategy 1 ---"; Strat_1=true; FastVol=3; SlowVol=60; VolRatio=3; strat_2="--- Strategy 2 ---"; Strat_2=true; osc1Period=8; osc2Period=9; ma_period=65; separation=0.15; maxSeparation=0.75; S2addcomment="(s2)"; exit_str="--- Exit strategy ---"; s44="Take Profit and Stop Loss as a percentage of the recent range"; TP=0.31; SL=0.18; s45="Number of bars to calculate the recent range"; s46="Activate aditional exit conditions after this number of bars"; useTimedExit=false; timedExitBarsTP=140; timedExitFactor=0.4; s5="----==== MARKET CONDITIONS ====----"; s51="Maximal acceptable slippage"; Slippage=3; s52="Spread Filter - in pips"; useSpreadFilter=false; maxSpreadInPips=0; s6="----==== BELLS AND WHISTLES ====----"; showInfo=true; saveScreenshots=false; s7="----==== ANALYSIS AND ADVANCED HACKING ====----"; s72="--- S2 control ---"; useOldS2=false; onlyHighProbabilityS2=false; tightRiskControlS2=true; s73="--- Time Filter ---"; useS2TimeFilter=false; S2TimeFilterStartHour=0; S2TimeFilterEndHour=6; s71="--- Date filters ---"; disableNFP=false; onlyNFP=false; disableSunday=false; disableMonday=false; disableTuesday=false; disableWednesday=false; disableThursday=false; disableFriday=false; disableSaturday=false; onlyMonth=0; s81="--- Functional testing ---"; testid=-1;
Bars in test
Ticks modelled
Modelling quality
Initial Deposit

Backtests Results

Total net profit
Gross profit
Gross loss
Profit factor
Expected payoff
Absolute Bal DD
Maximal Bal DD
11915.30 (10.33%)
Relative Bal DD
10.33% (11915.30)
Total Trades
Short positions (won %)
162 (41.36%)
Long positions (won %)
173 (51.45%)
Profit trades (% of total)
156 (46.57%)
Loss trades (% of total)
179 (53.43%)
Largest Profit trade
Largest Loss trade
Average Profit trade
Average Loss trade
Maximum consecutive wins (profit in money)
10 (8800.40)
Maximum consecutive losses (loss in money)
8 (-4080.35)
Maximal consecutive profit (count of wins)
9166.50 (6)
Maximal consecutive loss (count of losses)
-5807.70 (4)
Avarage consecutive wins
Avarage consecutive losses
عرض اختبار الأداء الاستراتيجي الكامل

Backtests Settings

EURUSD (Euro vs US Dollar)
15 Minutes (M15) 2004.01.01 00:00 - 2004.12.30 23:59 (2004.01.01 - 2004.12.31)
Open prices only (only for Expert Advisors that explicitly control bar opening)
s1="----==== TRADE DEFINITION ====----"; Magic_Number=10101; TradeComment="Robin VOL"; fifo=false; s2="----==== POSITION SIZING ====----"; s21="Set Fixed Lots=0 to enable risk Percent (%risk)"; FixedLots=0; s22="Percent of the capital to risk on each trade"; riskPercent=2; s23="Adjust the position to the recent range of the market"; atrAdjustedMM=false; s24="Keep the same size on all trades of the same basket"; KeepTradeSizeInBasket=true; s25="Use minimum allowed lots by the [link][/forex-broker.html][broker][df] if calculated lotsize is below this minimum (risky)"; UseMinLotIfUnderMinimum=true; s26="Maximum concurrent trades allowed on a basket"; TradesMax=8; s3="----==== CAPITAL PRESERVATION ====----"; s31="Ignore the account balance and limit the capital used to the specified here"; useInitialBalance=false; initialBalance=0; s32="Close all opened trades before friday closing of the market"; avoidTradesOverWeekend=false; s33="Set a secure stop loss and take profit on every trade at a constant distance from the price"; useBracketSLTP=true; bracketSLTPatr=1.1; s333="Use Breakeven"; useBreakeven=true; s34="Friday closing date and time of the market."; fridayClosingDay=5; fridayClosingHour=21; s4="----==== TRADING STRATEGY ====----"; strat_1="--- Strategy 1 ---"; Strat_1=true; FastVol=3; SlowVol=60; VolRatio=3; strat_2="--- Strategy 2 ---"; Strat_2=true; osc1Period=8; osc2Period=9; ma_period=65; separation=0.15; maxSeparation=0.75; S2addcomment="(s2)"; exit_str="--- Exit strategy ---"; s44="Take Profit and Stop Loss as a percentage of the recent range"; TP=0.31; SL=0.18; s45="Number of bars to calculate the recent range"; s46="Activate aditional exit conditions after this number of bars"; useTimedExit=false; timedExitBarsTP=140; timedExitFactor=0.4; s5="----==== MARKET CONDITIONS ====----"; s51="Maximal acceptable slippage"; Slippage=3; s52="Spread Filter - in pips"; useSpreadFilter=false; maxSpreadInPips=0; s6="----==== BELLS AND WHISTLES ====----"; showInfo=true; saveScreenshots=false; s7="----==== ANALYSIS AND ADVANCED HACKING ====----"; s72="--- S2 control ---"; useOldS2=false; onlyHighProbabilityS2=false; tightRiskControlS2=true; s73="--- Time Filter ---"; useS2TimeFilter=false; S2TimeFilterStartHour=0; S2TimeFilterEndHour=6; s71="--- Date filters ---"; disableNFP=false; onlyNFP=false; disableSunday=false; disableMonday=false; disableTuesday=false; disableWednesday=false; disableThursday=false; disableFriday=false; disableSaturday=false; onlyMonth=0; s81="--- Functional testing ---"; testid=-1;
Bars in test
Ticks modelled
Modelling quality
Initial Deposit

Backtests Results

Total net profit
Gross profit
Gross loss
Profit factor
Expected payoff
Absolute Bal DD
Maximal Bal DD
17539.67 (10.75%)
Relative Bal DD
10.75% (17539.67)
Total Trades
Short positions (won %)
175 (53.71%)
Long positions (won %)
239 (50.63%)
Profit trades (% of total)
215 (51.93%)
Loss trades (% of total)
199 (48.07%)
Largest Profit trade
Largest Loss trade
Average Profit trade
Average Loss trade
Maximum consecutive wins (profit in money)
15 (21140.80)
Maximum consecutive losses (loss in money)
10 (-7150.80)
Maximal consecutive profit (count of wins)
21140.80 (15)
Maximal consecutive loss (count of losses)
-9480.15 (9)
Avarage consecutive wins
Avarage consecutive losses
عرض اختبار الأداء الاستراتيجي الكامل

Backtests Settings

EURUSD (Euro vs US Dollar)
15 Minutes (M15) 2005.01.03 00:00 - 2005.12.30 22:59 (2005.01.01 - 2005.12.31)
Open prices only (only for Expert Advisors that explicitly control bar opening)
s1="----==== TRADE DEFINITION ====----"; Magic_Number=10101; TradeComment="Robin VOL"; fifo=false; s2="----==== POSITION SIZING ====----"; s21="Set Fixed Lots=0 to enable risk Percent (%risk)"; FixedLots=0; s22="Percent of the capital to risk on each trade"; riskPercent=2; s23="Adjust the position to the recent range of the market"; atrAdjustedMM=false; s24="Keep the same size on all trades of the same basket"; KeepTradeSizeInBasket=true; s25="Use minimum allowed lots by the [link][/forex-broker.html][broker][df] if calculated lotsize is below this minimum (risky)"; UseMinLotIfUnderMinimum=true; s26="Maximum concurrent trades allowed on a basket"; TradesMax=8; s3="----==== CAPITAL PRESERVATION ====----"; s31="Ignore the account balance and limit the capital used to the specified here"; useInitialBalance=false; initialBalance=0; s32="Close all opened trades before friday closing of the market"; avoidTradesOverWeekend=false; s33="Set a secure stop loss and take profit on every trade at a constant distance from the price"; useBracketSLTP=true; bracketSLTPatr=1.1; s333="Use Breakeven"; useBreakeven=true; s34="Friday closing date and time of the market."; fridayClosingDay=5; fridayClosingHour=21; s4="----==== TRADING STRATEGY ====----"; strat_1="--- Strategy 1 ---"; Strat_1=true; FastVol=3; SlowVol=60; VolRatio=3; strat_2="--- Strategy 2 ---"; Strat_2=true; osc1Period=8; osc2Period=9; ma_period=65; separation=0.15; maxSeparation=0.75; S2addcomment="(s2)"; exit_str="--- Exit strategy ---"; s44="Take Profit and Stop Loss as a percentage of the recent range"; TP=0.31; SL=0.18; s45="Number of bars to calculate the recent range"; s46="Activate aditional exit conditions after this number of bars"; useTimedExit=false; timedExitBarsTP=140; timedExitFactor=0.4; s5="----==== MARKET CONDITIONS ====----"; s51="Maximal acceptable slippage"; Slippage=3; s52="Spread Filter - in pips"; useSpreadFilter=false; maxSpreadInPips=0; s6="----==== BELLS AND WHISTLES ====----"; showInfo=true; saveScreenshots=false; s7="----==== ANALYSIS AND ADVANCED HACKING ====----"; s72="--- S2 control ---"; useOldS2=false; onlyHighProbabilityS2=false; tightRiskControlS2=true; s73="--- Time Filter ---"; useS2TimeFilter=false; S2TimeFilterStartHour=0; S2TimeFilterEndHour=6; s71="--- Date filters ---"; disableNFP=false; onlyNFP=false; disableSunday=false; disableMonday=false; disableTuesday=false; disableWednesday=false; disableThursday=false; disableFriday=false; disableSaturday=false; onlyMonth=0; s81="--- Functional testing ---"; testid=-1;
Bars in test
Ticks modelled
Modelling quality
Initial Deposit

Backtests Results

Total net profit
Gross profit
Gross loss
Profit factor
Expected payoff
Absolute Bal DD
Maximal Bal DD
19367.44 (11.23%)
Relative Bal DD
12.02% (18935.60)
Total Trades
Short positions (won %)
271 (45.02%)
Long positions (won %)
235 (46.38%)
Profit trades (% of total)
231 (45.65%)
Loss trades (% of total)
275 (54.35%)
Largest Profit trade
Largest Loss trade
Average Profit trade
Average Loss trade
Maximum consecutive wins (profit in money)
14 (15088.75)
Maximum consecutive losses (loss in money)
14 (-8568.15)
Maximal consecutive profit (count of wins)
15088.75 (14)
Maximal consecutive loss (count of losses)
-10041.98 (11)
Avarage consecutive wins
Avarage consecutive losses
عرض اختبار الأداء الاستراتيجي الكامل

Backtests Settings

EURUSD (Euro vs US Dollar)
15 Minutes (M15) 2006.01.02 00:30 - 2006.12.29 22:59 (2006.01.01 - 2006.12.31)
Open prices only (only for Expert Advisors that explicitly control bar opening)
s1="----==== TRADE DEFINITION ====----"; Magic_Number=10101; TradeComment="Robin VOL"; fifo=false; s2="----==== POSITION SIZING ====----"; s21="Set Fixed Lots=0 to enable risk Percent (%risk)"; FixedLots=0; s22="Percent of the capital to risk on each trade"; riskPercent=2; s23="Adjust the position to the recent range of the market"; atrAdjustedMM=false; s24="Keep the same size on all trades of the same basket"; KeepTradeSizeInBasket=true; s25="Use minimum allowed lots by the [link][/forex-broker.html][broker][df] if calculated lotsize is below this minimum (risky)"; UseMinLotIfUnderMinimum=true; s26="Maximum concurrent trades allowed on a basket"; TradesMax=8; s3="----==== CAPITAL PRESERVATION ====----"; s31="Ignore the account balance and limit the capital used to the specified here"; useInitialBalance=false; initialBalance=0; s32="Close all opened trades before friday closing of the market"; avoidTradesOverWeekend=false; s33="Set a secure stop loss and take profit on every trade at a constant distance from the price"; useBracketSLTP=true; bracketSLTPatr=1.1; s333="Use Breakeven"; useBreakeven=true; s34="Friday closing date and time of the market."; fridayClosingDay=5; fridayClosingHour=21; s4="----==== TRADING STRATEGY ====----"; strat_1="--- Strategy 1 ---"; Strat_1=true; FastVol=3; SlowVol=60; VolRatio=3; strat_2="--- Strategy 2 ---"; Strat_2=true; osc1Period=8; osc2Period=9; ma_period=65; separation=0.15; maxSeparation=0.75; S2addcomment="(s2)"; exit_str="--- Exit strategy ---"; s44="Take Profit and Stop Loss as a percentage of the recent range"; TP=0.31; SL=0.18; s45="Number of bars to calculate the recent range"; s46="Activate aditional exit conditions after this number of bars"; useTimedExit=false; timedExitBarsTP=140; timedExitFactor=0.4; s5="----==== MARKET CONDITIONS ====----"; s51="Maximal acceptable slippage"; Slippage=3; s52="Spread Filter - in pips"; useSpreadFilter=false; maxSpreadInPips=0; s6="----==== BELLS AND WHISTLES ====----"; showInfo=true; saveScreenshots=false; s7="----==== ANALYSIS AND ADVANCED HACKING ====----"; s72="--- S2 control ---"; useOldS2=false; onlyHighProbabilityS2=false; tightRiskControlS2=true; s73="--- Time Filter ---"; useS2TimeFilter=false; S2TimeFilterStartHour=0; S2TimeFilterEndHour=6; s71="--- Date filters ---"; disableNFP=false; onlyNFP=false; disableSunday=false; disableMonday=false; disableTuesday=false; disableWednesday=false; disableThursday=false; disableFriday=false; disableSaturday=false; onlyMonth=0; s81="--- Functional testing ---"; testid=-1;
Bars in test
Ticks modelled
Modelling quality
Initial Deposit

Backtests Results

Total net profit
Gross profit
Gross loss
Profit factor
Expected payoff
Absolute Bal DD
Maximal Bal DD
18371.86 (13.01%)
Relative Bal DD
13.01% (18371.86)
Total Trades
Short positions (won %)
256 (41.02%)
Long positions (won %)
276 (47.83%)
Profit trades (% of total)
237 (44.55%)
Loss trades (% of total)
295 (55.45%)
Largest Profit trade
Largest Loss trade
Average Profit trade
Average Loss trade
Maximum consecutive wins (profit in money)
11 (8660.63)
Maximum consecutive losses (loss in money)
13 (-8994.94)
Maximal consecutive profit (count of wins)
9180.86 (3)
Maximal consecutive loss (count of losses)
-9996.17 (11)
Avarage consecutive wins
Avarage consecutive losses
عرض اختبار الأداء الاستراتيجي الكامل

Backtests Settings

EURUSD (Euro vs US Dollar)
15 Minutes (M15) 2007.01.02 08:00 - 2007.12.28 22:59 (2007.01.01 - 2007.12.31)
Open prices only (only for Expert Advisors that explicitly control bar opening)
s1="----==== TRADE DEFINITION ====----"; Magic_Number=10101; TradeComment="Robin VOL"; fifo=false; s2="----==== POSITION SIZING ====----"; s21="Set Fixed Lots=0 to enable risk Percent (%risk)"; FixedLots=0; s22="Percent of the capital to risk on each trade"; riskPercent=2; s23="Adjust the position to the recent range of the market"; atrAdjustedMM=false; s24="Keep the same size on all trades of the same basket"; KeepTradeSizeInBasket=true; s25="Use minimum allowed lots by the [link][/forex-broker.html][broker][df] if calculated lotsize is below this minimum (risky)"; UseMinLotIfUnderMinimum=true; s26="Maximum concurrent trades allowed on a basket"; TradesMax=8; s3="----==== CAPITAL PRESERVATION ====----"; s31="Ignore the account balance and limit the capital used to the specified here"; useInitialBalance=false; initialBalance=0; s32="Close all opened trades before friday closing of the market"; avoidTradesOverWeekend=false; s33="Set a secure stop loss and take profit on every trade at a constant distance from the price"; useBracketSLTP=true; bracketSLTPatr=1.1; s333="Use Breakeven"; useBreakeven=true; s34="Friday closing date and time of the market."; fridayClosingDay=5; fridayClosingHour=21; s4="----==== TRADING STRATEGY ====----"; strat_1="--- Strategy 1 ---"; Strat_1=true; FastVol=3; SlowVol=60; VolRatio=3; strat_2="--- Strategy 2 ---"; Strat_2=true; osc1Period=8; osc2Period=9; ma_period=65; separation=0.15; maxSeparation=0.75; S2addcomment="(s2)"; exit_str="--- Exit strategy ---"; s44="Take Profit and Stop Loss as a percentage of the recent range"; TP=0.31; SL=0.18; s45="Number of bars to calculate the recent range"; s46="Activate aditional exit conditions after this number of bars"; useTimedExit=false; timedExitBarsTP=140; timedExitFactor=0.4; s5="----==== MARKET CONDITIONS ====----"; s51="Maximal acceptable slippage"; Slippage=3; s52="Spread Filter - in pips"; useSpreadFilter=false; maxSpreadInPips=0; s6="----==== BELLS AND WHISTLES ====----"; showInfo=true; saveScreenshots=false; s7="----==== ANALYSIS AND ADVANCED HACKING ====----"; s72="--- S2 control ---"; useOldS2=false; onlyHighProbabilityS2=false; tightRiskControlS2=true; s73="--- Time Filter ---"; useS2TimeFilter=false; S2TimeFilterStartHour=0; S2TimeFilterEndHour=6; s71="--- Date filters ---"; disableNFP=false; onlyNFP=false; disableSunday=false; disableMonday=false; disableTuesday=false; disableWednesday=false; disableThursday=false; disableFriday=false; disableSaturday=false; onlyMonth=0; s81="--- Functional testing ---"; testid=-1;
Bars in test
Ticks modelled
Modelling quality
Initial Deposit

Backtests Results

Total net profit
Gross profit
Gross loss
Profit factor
Expected payoff
Absolute Bal DD
Maximal Bal DD
8596.07 (7.93%)
Relative Bal DD
7.93% (8596.07)
Total Trades
Short positions (won %)
220 (40.45%)
Long positions (won %)
245 (47.35%)
Profit trades (% of total)
205 (44.09%)
Loss trades (% of total)
260 (55.91%)
Largest Profit trade
Largest Loss trade
Average Profit trade
Average Loss trade
Maximum consecutive wins (profit in money)
8 (6483.45)
Maximum consecutive losses (loss in money)
15 (-3485.65)
Maximal consecutive profit (count of wins)
6483.45 (8)
Maximal consecutive loss (count of losses)
-5742.65 (11)
Avarage consecutive wins
Avarage consecutive losses
عرض اختبار الأداء الاستراتيجي الكامل

Backtests Settings

EURUSD (Euro vs US Dollar)
15 Minutes (M15) 2008.01.02 10:00 - 2008.12.30 23:59 (2008.01.01 - 2008.12.31)
Open prices only (only for Expert Advisors that explicitly control bar opening)
s1="----==== TRADE DEFINITION ====----"; Magic_Number=10101; TradeComment="Robin VOL"; fifo=false; s2="----==== POSITION SIZING ====----"; s21="Set Fixed Lots=0 to enable risk Percent (%risk)"; FixedLots=0; s22="Percent of the capital to risk on each trade"; riskPercent=2; s23="Adjust the position to the recent range of the market"; atrAdjustedMM=false; s24="Keep the same size on all trades of the same basket"; KeepTradeSizeInBasket=true; s25="Use minimum allowed lots by the [link][/forex-broker.html][broker][df] if calculated lotsize is below this minimum (risky)"; UseMinLotIfUnderMinimum=true; s26="Maximum concurrent trades allowed on a basket"; TradesMax=8; s3="----==== CAPITAL PRESERVATION ====----"; s31="Ignore the account balance and limit the capital used to the specified here"; useInitialBalance=false; initialBalance=0; s32="Close all opened trades before friday closing of the market"; avoidTradesOverWeekend=false; s33="Set a secure stop loss and take profit on every trade at a constant distance from the price"; useBracketSLTP=true; bracketSLTPatr=1.1; s333="Use Breakeven"; useBreakeven=true; s34="Friday closing date and time of the market."; fridayClosingDay=5; fridayClosingHour=21; s4="----==== TRADING STRATEGY ====----"; strat_1="--- Strategy 1 ---"; Strat_1=true; FastVol=3; SlowVol=60; VolRatio=3; strat_2="--- Strategy 2 ---"; Strat_2=true; osc1Period=8; osc2Period=9; ma_period=65; separation=0.15; maxSeparation=0.75; S2addcomment="(s2)"; exit_str="--- Exit strategy ---"; s44="Take Profit and Stop Loss as a percentage of the recent range"; TP=0.31; SL=0.18; s45="Number of bars to calculate the recent range"; s46="Activate aditional exit conditions after this number of bars"; useTimedExit=false; timedExitBarsTP=140; timedExitFactor=0.4; s5="----==== MARKET CONDITIONS ====----"; s51="Maximal acceptable slippage"; Slippage=3; s52="Spread Filter - in pips"; useSpreadFilter=false; maxSpreadInPips=0; s6="----==== BELLS AND WHISTLES ====----"; showInfo=true; saveScreenshots=false; s7="----==== ANALYSIS AND ADVANCED HACKING ====----"; s72="--- S2 control ---"; useOldS2=false; onlyHighProbabilityS2=false; tightRiskControlS2=true; s73="--- Time Filter ---"; useS2TimeFilter=false; S2TimeFilterStartHour=0; S2TimeFilterEndHour=6; s71="--- Date filters ---"; disableNFP=false; onlyNFP=false; disableSunday=false; disableMonday=false; disableTuesday=false; disableWednesday=false; disableThursday=false; disableFriday=false; disableSaturday=false; onlyMonth=0; s81="--- Functional testing ---"; testid=-1;
Bars in test
Ticks modelled
Modelling quality
Initial Deposit

Backtests Results

Total net profit
Gross profit
Gross loss
Profit factor
Expected payoff
Absolute Bal DD
Maximal Bal DD
24482.70 (10.68%)
Relative Bal DD
10.68% (24482.70)
Total Trades
Short positions (won %)
193 (53.37%)
Long positions (won %)
183 (49.18%)
Profit trades (% of total)
193 (51.33%)
Loss trades (% of total)
183 (48.67%)
Largest Profit trade
Largest Loss trade
Average Profit trade
Average Loss trade
Maximum consecutive wins (profit in money)
16 (28991.04)
Maximum consecutive losses (loss in money)
15 (-12429.47)
Maximal consecutive profit (count of wins)
28991.04 (16)
Maximal consecutive loss (count of losses)
-17623.75 (9)
Avarage consecutive wins
Avarage consecutive losses
عرض اختبار الأداء الاستراتيجي الكامل

Backtests Settings

EURUSD (Euro vs US Dollar)
15 Minutes (M15) 2009.01.02 10:00 - 2009.12.30 23:59 (2009.01.01 - 2009.12.31)
Open prices only (only for Expert Advisors that explicitly control bar opening)
s1="----==== TRADE DEFINITION ====----"; Magic_Number=10101; TradeComment="Robin VOL"; fifo=false; s2="----==== POSITION SIZING ====----"; s21="Set Fixed Lots=0 to enable risk Percent (%risk)"; FixedLots=0; s22="Percent of the capital to risk on each trade"; riskPercent=2; s23="Adjust the position to the recent range of the market"; atrAdjustedMM=false; s24="Keep the same size on all trades of the same basket"; KeepTradeSizeInBasket=true; s25="Use minimum allowed lots by the [link][/forex-broker.html][broker][df] if calculated lotsize is below this minimum (risky)"; UseMinLotIfUnderMinimum=true; s26="Maximum concurrent trades allowed on a basket"; TradesMax=8; s3="----==== CAPITAL PRESERVATION ====----"; s31="Ignore the account balance and limit the capital used to the specified here"; useInitialBalance=false; initialBalance=0; s32="Close all opened trades before friday closing of the market"; avoidTradesOverWeekend=false; s33="Set a secure stop loss and take profit on every trade at a constant distance from the price"; useBracketSLTP=true; bracketSLTPatr=1.1; s333="Use Breakeven"; useBreakeven=true; s34="Friday closing date and time of the market."; fridayClosingDay=5; fridayClosingHour=21; s4="----==== TRADING STRATEGY ====----"; strat_1="--- Strategy 1 ---"; Strat_1=true; FastVol=3; SlowVol=60; VolRatio=3; strat_2="--- Strategy 2 ---"; Strat_2=true; osc1Period=8; osc2Period=9; ma_period=65; separation=0.15; maxSeparation=0.75; S2addcomment="(s2)"; exit_str="--- Exit strategy ---"; s44="Take Profit and Stop Loss as a percentage of the recent range"; TP=0.31; SL=0.18; s45="Number of bars to calculate the recent range"; s46="Activate aditional exit conditions after this number of bars"; useTimedExit=false; timedExitBarsTP=140; timedExitFactor=0.4; s5="----==== MARKET CONDITIONS ====----"; s51="Maximal acceptable slippage"; Slippage=3; s52="Spread Filter - in pips"; useSpreadFilter=false; maxSpreadInPips=0; s6="----==== BELLS AND WHISTLES ====----"; showInfo=true; saveScreenshots=false; s7="----==== ANALYSIS AND ADVANCED HACKING ====----"; s72="--- S2 control ---"; useOldS2=false; onlyHighProbabilityS2=false; tightRiskControlS2=true; s73="--- Time Filter ---"; useS2TimeFilter=false; S2TimeFilterStartHour=0; S2TimeFilterEndHour=6; s71="--- Date filters ---"; disableNFP=false; onlyNFP=false; disableSunday=false; disableMonday=false; disableTuesday=false; disableWednesday=false; disableThursday=false; disableFriday=false; disableSaturday=false; onlyMonth=0; s81="--- Functional testing ---"; testid=-1;
Bars in test
Ticks modelled
Modelling quality
Initial Deposit

Backtests Results

Total net profit
Gross profit
Gross loss
Profit factor
Expected payoff
Absolute Bal DD
Maximal Bal DD
27985.48 (11.36%)
Relative Bal DD
11.36% (27985.48)
Total Trades
Short positions (won %)
164 (53.66%)
Long positions (won %)
157 (50.32%)
Profit trades (% of total)
167 (52.02%)
Loss trades (% of total)
154 (47.98%)
Largest Profit trade
Largest Loss trade
Average Profit trade
Average Loss trade
Maximum consecutive wins (profit in money)
12 (29574.51)
Maximum consecutive losses (loss in money)
12 (-14075.86)
Maximal consecutive profit (count of wins)
29574.51 (12)
Maximal consecutive loss (count of losses)
-14075.86 (12)
Avarage consecutive wins
Avarage consecutive losses
عرض اختبار الأداء الاستراتيجي الكامل

Backtests Settings

EURUSD (Euro vs US Dollar)
15 Minutes (M15) 2010.01.04 00:00 - 2010.12.30 23:59 (2010.01.01 - 2010.12.31)
Open prices only (only for Expert Advisors that explicitly control bar opening)
s1="----==== TRADE DEFINITION ====----"; Magic_Number=10101; TradeComment="Robin VOL"; fifo=false; s2="----==== POSITION SIZING ====----"; s21="Set Fixed Lots=0 to enable risk Percent (%risk)"; FixedLots=0; s22="Percent of the capital to risk on each trade"; riskPercent=2; s23="Adjust the position to the recent range of the market"; atrAdjustedMM=false; s24="Keep the same size on all trades of the same basket"; KeepTradeSizeInBasket=true; s25="Use minimum allowed lots by the [link][/forex-broker.html][broker][df] if calculated lotsize is below this minimum (risky)"; UseMinLotIfUnderMinimum=true; s26="Maximum concurrent trades allowed on a basket"; TradesMax=8; s3="----==== CAPITAL PRESERVATION ====----"; s31="Ignore the account balance and limit the capital used to the specified here"; useInitialBalance=false; initialBalance=0; s32="Close all opened trades before friday closing of the market"; avoidTradesOverWeekend=false; s33="Set a secure stop loss and take profit on every trade at a constant distance from the price"; useBracketSLTP=true; bracketSLTPatr=1.1; s333="Use Breakeven"; useBreakeven=true; s34="Friday closing date and time of the market."; fridayClosingDay=5; fridayClosingHour=21; s4="----==== TRADING STRATEGY ====----"; strat_1="--- Strategy 1 ---"; Strat_1=true; FastVol=3; SlowVol=60; VolRatio=3; strat_2="--- Strategy 2 ---"; Strat_2=true; osc1Period=8; osc2Period=9; ma_period=65; separation=0.15; maxSeparation=0.75; S2addcomment="(s2)"; exit_str="--- Exit strategy ---"; s44="Take Profit and Stop Loss as a percentage of the recent range"; TP=0.31; SL=0.18; s45="Number of bars to calculate the recent range"; s46="Activate aditional exit conditions after this number of bars"; useTimedExit=false; timedExitBarsTP=140; timedExitFactor=0.4; s5="----==== MARKET CONDITIONS ====----"; s51="Maximal acceptable slippage"; Slippage=3; s52="Spread Filter - in pips"; useSpreadFilter=false; maxSpreadInPips=0; s6="----==== BELLS AND WHISTLES ====----"; showInfo=true; saveScreenshots=false; s7="----==== ANALYSIS AND ADVANCED HACKING ====----"; s72="--- S2 control ---"; useOldS2=false; onlyHighProbabilityS2=false; tightRiskControlS2=true; s73="--- Time Filter ---"; useS2TimeFilter=false; S2TimeFilterStartHour=0; S2TimeFilterEndHour=6; s71="--- Date filters ---"; disableNFP=false; onlyNFP=false; disableSunday=false; disableMonday=false; disableTuesday=false; disableWednesday=false; disableThursday=false; disableFriday=false; disableSaturday=false; onlyMonth=0; s81="--- Functional testing ---"; testid=-1;
Bars in test
Ticks modelled
Modelling quality
Initial Deposit

Backtests Results

Total net profit
Gross profit
Gross loss
Profit factor
Expected payoff
Absolute Bal DD
Maximal Bal DD
16370.64 (9.16%)
Relative Bal DD
9.16% (16370.64)
Total Trades
Short positions (won %)
143 (42.66%)
Long positions (won %)
215 (50.70%)
Profit trades (% of total)
170 (47.49%)
Loss trades (% of total)
188 (52.51%)
Largest Profit trade
Largest Loss trade
Average Profit trade
Average Loss trade
Maximum consecutive wins (profit in money)
14 (22803.02)
Maximum consecutive losses (loss in money)
19 (-14425.85)
Maximal consecutive profit (count of wins)
22803.02 (14)
Maximal consecutive loss (count of losses)
-14425.85 (19)
Avarage consecutive wins
Avarage consecutive losses
عرض اختبار الأداء الاستراتيجي الكامل

Backtests Settings

EURUSD (Euro vs US Dollar)
15 Minutes (M15) 2011.01.03 00:00 - 2011.12.30 22:59 (2011.01.01 - 2011.12.31)
Open prices only (only for Expert Advisors that explicitly control bar opening)
s1="----==== TRADE DEFINITION ====----"; Magic_Number=10101; TradeComment="Robin VOL"; fifo=false; s2="----==== POSITION SIZING ====----"; s21="Set Fixed Lots=0 to enable risk Percent (%risk)"; FixedLots=0; s22="Percent of the capital to risk on each trade"; riskPercent=2; s23="Adjust the position to the recent range of the market"; atrAdjustedMM=false; s24="Keep the same size on all trades of the same basket"; KeepTradeSizeInBasket=true; s25="Use minimum allowed lots by the [link][/forex-broker.html][broker][df] if calculated lotsize is below this minimum (risky)"; UseMinLotIfUnderMinimum=true; s26="Maximum concurrent trades allowed on a basket"; TradesMax=8; s3="----==== CAPITAL PRESERVATION ====----"; s31="Ignore the account balance and limit the capital used to the specified here"; useInitialBalance=false; initialBalance=0; s32="Close all opened trades before friday closing of the market"; avoidTradesOverWeekend=false; s33="Set a secure stop loss and take profit on every trade at a constant distance from the price"; useBracketSLTP=true; bracketSLTPatr=1.1; s333="Use Breakeven"; useBreakeven=true; s34="Friday closing date and time of the market."; fridayClosingDay=5; fridayClosingHour=21; s4="----==== TRADING STRATEGY ====----"; strat_1="--- Strategy 1 ---"; Strat_1=true; FastVol=3; SlowVol=60; VolRatio=3; strat_2="--- Strategy 2 ---"; Strat_2=true; osc1Period=8; osc2Period=9; ma_period=65; separation=0.15; maxSeparation=0.75; S2addcomment="(s2)"; exit_str="--- Exit strategy ---"; s44="Take Profit and Stop Loss as a percentage of the recent range"; TP=0.31; SL=0.18; s45="Number of bars to calculate the recent range"; s46="Activate aditional exit conditions after this number of bars"; useTimedExit=false; timedExitBarsTP=140; timedExitFactor=0.4; s5="----==== MARKET CONDITIONS ====----"; s51="Maximal acceptable slippage"; Slippage=3; s52="Spread Filter - in pips"; useSpreadFilter=false; maxSpreadInPips=0; s6="----==== BELLS AND WHISTLES ====----"; showInfo=true; saveScreenshots=false; s7="----==== ANALYSIS AND ADVANCED HACKING ====----"; s72="--- S2 control ---"; useOldS2=false; onlyHighProbabilityS2=false; tightRiskControlS2=true; s73="--- Time Filter ---"; useS2TimeFilter=false; S2TimeFilterStartHour=0; S2TimeFilterEndHour=6; s71="--- Date filters ---"; disableNFP=false; onlyNFP=false; disableSunday=false; disableMonday=false; disableTuesday=false; disableWednesday=false; disableThursday=false; disableFriday=false; disableSaturday=false; onlyMonth=0; s81="--- Functional testing ---"; testid=-1;
Bars in test
Ticks modelled
Modelling quality
Initial Deposit

Backtests Results

Total net profit
Gross profit
Gross loss
Profit factor
Expected payoff
Absolute Bal DD
Maximal Bal DD
23619.03 (13.08%)
Relative Bal DD
13.08% (23619.03)
Total Trades
Short positions (won %)
188 (54.26%)
Long positions (won %)
173 (50.87%)
Profit trades (% of total)
190 (52.63%)
Loss trades (% of total)
171 (47.37%)
Largest Profit trade
Largest Loss trade
Average Profit trade
Average Loss trade
Maximum consecutive wins (profit in money)
9 (11254.45)
Maximum consecutive losses (loss in money)
13 (-12124.59)
Maximal consecutive profit (count of wins)
20296.63 (7)
Maximal consecutive loss (count of losses)
-12789.86 (7)
Avarage consecutive wins
Avarage consecutive losses
عرض اختبار الأداء الاستراتيجي الكامل

Backtests Settings

EURUSD (Euro vs US Dollar)
15 Minutes (M15) 2012.01.02 00:00 - 2012.11.12 23:59 (2012.01.01 - 2012.11.13)
Open prices only (only for Expert Advisors that explicitly control bar opening)
s1="----==== TRADE DEFINITION ====----"; Magic_Number=10101; TradeComment="Robin VOL"; fifo=false; s2="----==== POSITION SIZING ====----"; s21="Set Fixed Lots=0 to enable risk Percent (%risk)"; FixedLots=0; s22="Percent of the capital to risk on each trade"; riskPercent=2; s23="Adjust the position to the recent range of the market"; atrAdjustedMM=false; s24="Keep the same size on all trades of the same basket"; KeepTradeSizeInBasket=true; s25="Use minimum allowed lots by the [link][/forex-broker.html][broker][df] if calculated lotsize is below this minimum (risky)"; UseMinLotIfUnderMinimum=true; s26="Maximum concurrent trades allowed on a basket"; TradesMax=8; s3="----==== CAPITAL PRESERVATION ====----"; s31="Ignore the account balance and limit the capital used to the specified here"; useInitialBalance=false; initialBalance=0; s32="Close all opened trades before friday closing of the market"; avoidTradesOverWeekend=false; s33="Set a secure stop loss and take profit on every trade at a constant distance from the price"; useBracketSLTP=true; bracketSLTPatr=1.1; s333="Use Breakeven"; useBreakeven=true; s34="Friday closing date and time of the market."; fridayClosingDay=5; fridayClosingHour=21; s4="----==== TRADING STRATEGY ====----"; strat_1="--- Strategy 1 ---"; Strat_1=true; FastVol=3; SlowVol=60; VolRatio=3; strat_2="--- Strategy 2 ---"; Strat_2=true; osc1Period=8; osc2Period=9; ma_period=65; separation=0.15; maxSeparation=0.75; S2addcomment="(s2)"; exit_str="--- Exit strategy ---"; s44="Take Profit and Stop Loss as a percentage of the recent range"; TP=0.31; SL=0.18; s45="Number of bars to calculate the recent range"; s46="Activate aditional exit conditions after this number of bars"; useTimedExit=false; timedExitBarsTP=140; timedExitFactor=0.4; s5="----==== MARKET CONDITIONS ====----"; s51="Maximal acceptable slippage"; Slippage=3; s52="Spread Filter - in pips"; useSpreadFilter=false; maxSpreadInPips=0; s6="----==== BELLS AND WHISTLES ====----"; showInfo=true; saveScreenshots=false; s7="----==== ANALYSIS AND ADVANCED HACKING ====----"; s72="--- S2 control ---"; useOldS2=false; onlyHighProbabilityS2=false; tightRiskControlS2=true; s73="--- Time Filter ---"; useS2TimeFilter=false; S2TimeFilterStartHour=0; S2TimeFilterEndHour=6; s71="--- Date filters ---"; disableNFP=false; onlyNFP=false; disableSunday=false; disableMonday=false; disableTuesday=false; disableWednesday=false; disableThursday=false; disableFriday=false; disableSaturday=false; onlyMonth=0; s81="--- Functional testing ---"; testid=-1;
Bars in test
Ticks modelled
Modelling quality
Initial Deposit

Backtests Results

Total net profit
Gross profit
Gross loss
Profit factor
Expected payoff
Absolute Bal DD
Maximal Bal DD
13654.31 (10.62%)
Relative Bal DD
10.62% (13654.31)
Total Trades
Short positions (won %)
215 (49.30%)
Long positions (won %)
206 (45.15%)
Profit trades (% of total)
199 (47.27%)
Loss trades (% of total)
222 (52.73%)
Largest Profit trade
Largest Loss trade
Average Profit trade
Average Loss trade
Maximum consecutive wins (profit in money)
14 (9458.67)
Maximum consecutive losses (loss in money)
17 (-9377.62)
Maximal consecutive profit (count of wins)
10535.98 (6)
Maximal consecutive loss (count of losses)
-9377.62 (17)
Avarage consecutive wins
Avarage consecutive losses
عرض اختبار الأداء الاستراتيجي الكامل

Backtests Settings

EURUSD (Euro vs US Dollar)
15 Minutes (M15) 2000.01.03 00:00 - 2012.11.12 23:59 (2000.01.01 - 2012.11.13)
Open prices only (only for Expert Advisors that explicitly control bar opening)
s1=\"----==== TRADE DEFINITION ====----\"; Magic_Number=10101; TradeComment=\"Robin VOL\"; fifo=false; s2=\"----==== POSITION SIZING ====----\"; s21=\"Set Fixed Lots=0 to enable risk Percent (%risk)\"; FixedLots=0.1; s22=\"Percent of the capital to risk on each trade\"; riskPercent=2; s23=\"Adjust the position to the recent range of the market\"; atrAdjustedMM=false; s24=\"Keep the same size on all trades of the same basket\"; KeepTradeSizeInBasket=true; s25=\"Use minimum allowed lots by the [link][/forex-broker.html][broker][df] if calculated lotsize is below this minimum (risky)\"; UseMinLotIfUnderMinimum=true; s26=\"Maximum concurrent trades allowed on a basket\"; TradesMax=8; s3=\"----==== CAPITAL PRESERVATION ====----\"; s31=\"Ignore the account balance and limit the capital used to the specified here\"; useInitialBalance=false; initialBalance=0; s32=\"Close all opened trades before friday closing of the market\"; avoidTradesOverWeekend=false; s33=\"Set a secure stop loss and take profit on every trade at a constant distance from the price\"; useBracketSLTP=true; bracketSLTPatr=1.1; s333=\"Use Breakeven\"; useBreakeven=true; s34=\"Friday closing date and time of the market.\"; fridayClosingDay=5; fridayClosingHour=21; s4=\"----==== TRADING STRATEGY ====----\"; strat_1=\"--- Strategy 1 ---\"; Strat_1=true; FastVol=3; SlowVol=60; VolRatio=3; strat_2=\"--- Strategy 2 ---\"; Strat_2=true; osc1Period=8; osc2Period=9; ma_period=65; separation=0.15; maxSeparation=0.75; S2addcomment=\"(s2)\"; exit_str=\"--- Exit strategy ---\"; s44=\"Take Profit and Stop Loss as a percentage of the recent range\"; TP=0.31; SL=0.18; s45=\"Number of bars to calculate the recent range\"; s46=\"Activate aditional exit conditions after this number of bars\"; useTimedExit=false; timedExitBarsTP=140; timedExitFactor=0.4; s5=\"----==== MARKET CONDITIONS ====----\"; s51=\"Maximal acceptable slippage\"; Slippage=3; s52=\"Spread Filter - in pips\"; useSpreadFilter=false; maxSpreadInPips=0; s6=\"----==== BELLS AND WHISTLES ====----\"; showInfo=true; saveScreenshots=false; s7=\"----==== ANALYSIS AND ADVANCED HACKING ====----\"; s72=\"--- S2 control ---\"; useOldS2=false; onlyHighProbabilityS2=false; tightRiskControlS2=true; s73=\"--- Time Filter ---\"; useS2TimeFilter=false; S2TimeFilterStartHour=0; S2TimeFilterEndHour=6; s71=\"--- Date filters ---\"; disableNFP=false; onlyNFP=false; disableSunday=false; disableMonday=false; disableTuesday=false; disableWednesday=false; disableThursday=false; disableFriday=false; disableSaturday=false; onlyMonth=0; s81=\"--- Functional testing ---\"; testid=-1;
Bars in test
Ticks modelled
Modelling quality
Initial Deposit

Backtests Results

Total net profit
Gross profit
Gross loss
Profit factor
Expected payoff
Absolute Bal DD
Maximal Bal DD
768.93 (0.67%)
Relative Bal DD
0.68% (698.37)
Total Trades
Short positions (won %)
2561 (47.83%)
Long positions (won %)
2694 (48.33%)
Profit trades (% of total)
2527 (48.09%)
Loss trades (% of total)
2728 (51.91%)
Largest Profit trade
Largest Loss trade
Average Profit trade
Average Loss trade
Maximum consecutive wins (profit in money)
18 (691.42)
Maximum consecutive losses (loss in money)
19 (-267.50)
Maximal consecutive profit (count of wins)
1198.63 (6)
Maximal consecutive loss (count of losses)
-451.32 (5)
Avarage consecutive wins
Avarage consecutive losses
عرض اختبار الأداء الاستراتيجي الكامل

Backtests Settings

EURUSD (Euro vs US Dollar)
15 Minutes (M15) 2000.01.03 00:00 - 2012.11.12 23:59 (2000.01.01 - 2012.11.13)
Open prices only (only for Expert Advisors that explicitly control bar opening)
s1=\"----==== TRADE DEFINITION ====----\"; Magic_Number=10101; TradeComment=\"Robin VOL\"; fifo=false; s2=\"----==== POSITION SIZING ====----\"; s21=\"Set Fixed Lots=0 to enable risk Percent (%risk)\"; FixedLots=0; s22=\"Percent of the capital to risk on each trade\"; riskPercent=2; s23=\"Adjust the position to the recent range of the market\"; atrAdjustedMM=false; s24=\"Keep the same size on all trades of the same basket\"; KeepTradeSizeInBasket=true; s25=\"Use minimum allowed lots by the [link][/forex-broker.html][broker][df] if calculated lotsize is below this minimum (risky)\"; UseMinLotIfUnderMinimum=true; s26=\"Maximum concurrent trades allowed on a basket\"; TradesMax=8; s3=\"----==== CAPITAL PRESERVATION ====----\"; s31=\"Ignore the account balance and limit the capital used to the specified here\"; useInitialBalance=false; initialBalance=0; s32=\"Close all opened trades before friday closing of the market\"; avoidTradesOverWeekend=false; s33=\"Set a secure stop loss and take profit on every trade at a constant distance from the price\"; useBracketSLTP=true; bracketSLTPatr=1.1; s333=\"Use Breakeven\"; useBreakeven=true; s34=\"Friday closing date and time of the market.\"; fridayClosingDay=5; fridayClosingHour=21; s4=\"----==== TRADING STRATEGY ====----\"; strat_1=\"--- Strategy 1 ---\"; Strat_1=true; FastVol=3; SlowVol=60; VolRatio=3; strat_2=\"--- Strategy 2 ---\"; Strat_2=true; osc1Period=8; osc2Period=9; ma_period=65; separation=0.15; maxSeparation=0.75; S2addcomment=\"(s2)\"; exit_str=\"--- Exit strategy ---\"; s44=\"Take Profit and Stop Loss as a percentage of the recent range\"; TP=0.31; SL=0.18; s45=\"Number of bars to calculate the recent range\"; s46=\"Activate aditional exit conditions after this number of bars\"; useTimedExit=false; timedExitBarsTP=140; timedExitFactor=0.4; s5=\"----==== MARKET CONDITIONS ====----\"; s51=\"Maximal acceptable slippage\"; Slippage=3; s52=\"Spread Filter - in pips\"; useSpreadFilter=false; maxSpreadInPips=0; s6=\"----==== BELLS AND WHISTLES ====----\"; showInfo=true; saveScreenshots=false; s7=\"----==== ANALYSIS AND ADVANCED HACKING ====----\"; s72=\"--- S2 control ---\"; useOldS2=false; onlyHighProbabilityS2=false; tightRiskControlS2=true; s73=\"--- Time Filter ---\"; useS2TimeFilter=false; S2TimeFilterStartHour=0; S2TimeFilterEndHour=6; s71=\"--- Date filters ---\"; disableNFP=false; onlyNFP=false; disableSunday=false; disableMonday=false; disableTuesday=false; disableWednesday=false; disableThursday=false; disableFriday=false; disableSaturday=false; onlyMonth=0; s81=\"--- Functional testing ---\"; testid=-1;
Bars in test
Ticks modelled
Modelling quality
Initial Deposit

Backtests Results

Total net profit
Gross profit
Gross loss
Profit factor
Expected payoff
Absolute Bal DD
Maximal Bal DD
7471681.16 (10.62%)
Relative Bal DD
14.35% (232006.46)
Total Trades
Short positions (won %)
2561 (47.83%)
Long positions (won %)
2694 (48.33%)
Profit trades (% of total)
2527 (48.09%)
Loss trades (% of total)
2728 (51.91%)
Largest Profit trade
Largest Loss trade
Average Profit trade
Average Loss trade
Maximum consecutive wins (profit in money)
18 (15104.85)
Maximum consecutive losses (loss in money)
19 (-2037751.18)
Maximal consecutive profit (count of wins)
5771448.14 (6)
Maximal consecutive loss (count of losses)
-5132662.92 (17)
Avarage consecutive wins
Avarage consecutive losses

استراتيجية التداول

بالمقارنة مع الإصدار السابق، فإن الإصدار الأحدث من RobinVOL v3.0 هو روبوت فوركس جديد تمامًا يتضمن العديد من التحسينات والميزات الجديدة بالإضافة إلى بعض الميزات المهمة من الإصدار السابق v2.0.

يتداول اختراقات التقلب. يدخل الصفقات في اتجاهات الاختراق باستخدام استراتيجيتين مختلفتين:

  • على حدوث الاختراق.
  • على ارتداد الاختراق.

تتم إضافة المراكز في اتجاه الاختراق على كل شريط طالما تم استيفاء الشروط، ويتم تداول RobinVOL فقط عند إغلاق الشريط للحماية من بعض ارتفاعات السوق والحركات الوهمية.

إذا تم لمس مستويات TakeProfit أو StopLoss بواسطة سعر الزوج المتداول، فلن يتم إغلاق الصفقة المفتوحة مرة واحدة، ولكن ينتظر RobinVOL إغلاق الشريط لمعرفة ما إذا كان السعر سيغلق خلف تلك المستويات، وبالتالي فإن كل إغلاق تداول سيكون دائمًا أبعد قليلاً من كل من مستويات TakeProfit وStopLoss.

وضع المحفظة

هذه قدرة جديدة في الإصدار 3 الأحدث من إكسبرت، ويمكن تشغيلها الآن بتكوينات متعددة في نفس الوقت من خلال الاحتفاظ ببيانات السوق ومعالجتها بسرعة ودقة.

إدارة الطلبات

تماشيًا مع وضع المحفظة، يمكن لـ RobinVOL v3.0 الآن إدارة جميع العمليات بكفاءة على نفس زوج العملات وتجنب العمولات غير الضرورية لتحسين فعاليتها.

وضع التداول الفردي

هذا هو وضع التداول التقليدي للإصدار السابق 2.0، ولا يزال قابلاً للتشغيل في الإصدار الأحدث 3.0 حيث أصبح الآن أكثر ربمباشرة بفضل التحسينات التي تم إدخالها على الإصدار الأحدث، وأهمها القدرة على التداول في أطر زمنية غير قياسية كما 7M و12M على سبيل المثال.

الأمن والحماية

جميع ميزات الأمان للإصدار الأقدم 2.0 مثل الحماية في عطلة نهاية الأسبوع وقوس StopLoss / TakeProfit وتحديد الرصيد الأولي بغض النظر عن رصيد الحساب الحقيقي يتم الاحتفاظ بها في الإصدار الأحدث 3.0 بالإضافة إلى الخيار الجديد لتحديد الحجم بعملة الحساب لأحجام عملية الحساب التي تمت إضافتها إلى إعدادات إكسبرت.

توسيع الاختلافات في الأداء

يتم الآن دعم الأزواج المتعددة بأطر زمنية مختلفة تم اختيارها بعناية بعد تحليل الأداء العميق والاختبار باستخدام تقنيات مختلفة.

واجهة رسومية

تم الآن دمج الواجهة الرسومية المعاد تصميمها لعرض المعلومات المهمة على الرسم البياني بطريقة بسيطة ونظيفة لتتبع المعلومات من الرسوم البيانية المختلفة في مكان واحد.

ضبط بنية الملفات والمجلدات

بعد تثبيت RobinVOL v3.0 ، يجب نسخ ملفات الإعدادات المحدثة شهريًا والتي يمكن تنزيلها في إكسبرت العميل الرسمية إلى مجلدات إكسبرت كل شهر، وقد تم تعيين بنية جديدة لهذه المجلدات لتسهيل هذه العملية مقارنة بالإصدار السابق.

عند تحديث ملفات الإعداد في بداية كل شهر، ستتم إدارة التداولات من الشهر السابق تلقائيًا حتى لو لم تكن هناك ملفات إعداد.

يمكن أيضًا تشغيل RobinVOL v3.0 مع روبوتات فوركس الأخرى.


يمكن أن يتضمن التداول في الفوركس خطر فقدان يتجاوز إيداعك الأولي. هذا غير مناسب لجميع المستثمرين ويجب عليك التأكد من فهمك للمخاطر المشاركة، وطلب المشورة المستقلة إذا لزم الأمر.

عادةً ما تقدم حسابات الفوركس درجات مختلفة من الرافعة المالية واحتمالية الربح العالية متوازنة بمستوى عالٍ من المخاطر. يجب ألا تخاطر أبدًا بأكثر مما أنت مستعد لخسارته ويجب عليك أن تأخذ بعين الاعتبار بعناية تجربتك في التداول.

الأداء السابق والنتائج المحاكاة ليست بالضرورة دليلاً على الأداء المستقبلي. كل المحتوى على هذا الموقع يمثل رأي المؤلف وحده ولا يشكل توصية صريحة لشراء أي من المنتجات الموصوفة في صفحاته.